908 1/2 Parrish Street
House is less than 5ft of property line.
DATE: April 21, 2023
TO: The City of Richmond Planning Commission
The City of Richmond Office of Economic Development and Planning
The Department of Planning and Development Review
FROM: Mr. S. Norwood Thornton and Concerned Residents of the Historic Westwood Community
RE: 908 1/2 Parrish Street - Approval Process
We respectfully request information about the permitting approval process for 908 1/2 Parrish Street. Currently a two-story residence is being built on the property and the structure does not appear to meet the setback requirements for R-5 properties. (See photos on vxpe.info/908-5). Was a SUP required for the structure?
My family has owned property in the Historic Westwood Community since the late 1800s. “Parrish Street” was named after my grandmother’s family. Additionally, my family owns two adjacent properties, 906 Parrish and 908 Parrish Street.
Due to the impactful nature of the new structure, and potential violations of City code, we would like the following:
Copies of all permits and plans that were submitted for the approval process.
The detailed process of how this property was acquired. (A public yard sign/notice was never displayed for the auction of 908 ½ Parrish Street.)
Please acknowledge receipt of this email and a timeframe for delivery of the requested information.
Best regards,
Norwood Thornton