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Franceno Diggs
"Norwood's Corner"
(Please do not share this website with patient.)

October 14, 2024 - DATES!

As the BEST crew ever, I wanna recognize your birthday and wedding anniversary date on the schedule.  Please text me your date(s).  Thanks.

October 10, 2024 - NO PARKING

"No Parking" signs have been put at the edge of the yard.  These signs are for the general public, not YOU! (smiles)

October 10, 2024 - THE MOVING COMMODE

Franceno is having more accidents.  When she is sleep, please move the commode on the side of the bed so she doesn't have to travel so far.  If she says anything about the commode being there, just tell her that I said that it MUST be there. (Only put it there when she is sleep.)

September 30, 2024 - FOUND PHONE

Yes, I found my phone.  I left the house early Sunday morning, when there was daylight, and found my phone on the side of the road near the airport; all crushed and sad.  Presently, I'm using my old 6S iphone so you can now call and text me on my regular number, 954/650-7025. (I'll be getting my new phone by Wednesday! Yeah!)

September 30, 2024 - ZELLE

As you already know, my Zelle is working again.  I can't believe it took this long.  Hopefully, it will not happen again.

September 28, 2024 - LOST PHONE

I lost my phone.  Until further notice, call or text me at 702/330-9289.  Thnx

September 19, 2024 - SPACE HEATER

The space heater MUST be plugged either, directly into the wall, or in the black heavy duty electrical strip.  These strict instructions came with the space heater and reinforced by our master electrician, Todd. 

September 15, 2024 - ZELLE, ZELLE & ZELLE

This week, I visited the bank and had intense discussions over the phone with my bank about Zelle.  Apparently, there's an issue that has to be escalated as was stated to me on Friday when they called me about the issue. As of now, they don't understand what the problem is, but they are working on it.  So, until you start to receive your payments via Zelle, the checks will be left on the dining room table, after 1pm on Mondays. If I'm out of town, I will mail the checks on Mondays. I'm sorry for any inconvenience


September 11, 2024 - $25/HR

"Yes, it's $25/hr! To show our appreciation for working on the dates listed, we’d like to offer a little extra so you can treat yourself to an extra large turkey, pick out a special Christmas tree ornament, and enjoy some imported bubbly."

Dates: November 28th, December 24th, 25th, 31st and January 1st

September 9, 2024 - ZELLE/CHECKS

I guess there's a problem with my Zelle.  I didn't have time last week to sit down with a banker and this week doesn't look good either.  The checks again will be on the dining room table by 1pm today.  If you come to the house to get your check, please announce yourself so you will not scare your co-worker (smiles).

September 9, 2024 - FRANCENO'S BIRTHDAY

Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU!  This is definitely the "A" Team!!!  You guys really made my aunt's birthday!  With all the good cheers, artistic decorations and the heart felt gifts, you really outdid yourselves.  Not only did you make her weekend, but you made the family's weekend.  My Mom uses her cell phone often and you can believe that every living sibling was contacted after she left Franceno's on Sunday.  I love joking, but trust me, I LOVE the way you treat my aunt and it never goes unnoticed.  Thank you! (There's extra ice cream cake in the freezer, please help yourself.)


August 13, 2024 - CEREAL/CROWN

Franceno's crown on her tooth came off.  Until I speak with the dentist, she doesn't need to eat any crunchy food, such as cereal.  For breakfast, she can eat Overnight Oats, apple sauce and her drink her "Chocolate or Strawberry Milk".


August 8, 2024 - MEDICINE

Antibiotics: Please give Franceno yogurt with the antibiotic medicine (pink bottle in fridge). Fill the syringe up to the black line.

Mouth Wash: Put in the tiny medicine cup, let her swoosh it around in her mouth, and then have her to spit it out in the white pale.

Pain Medicine: Give it to her as needed, but 6hrs apart. Put Pain Medicine in short cup, not in the tiny medicine cup.

General: Be sure to fill out the sheet on the kitchen counter.  In addition, to make Franceno feel that she is part of her health, please fill out The Franceno Sheet; located on a clip board by her desk light. Be sure to show Franceno as you fill it out, so she can feel part of the process.


July 29, 2024 - WATER BOTTLES

Empty bottles will be delivered this week.  Please clean the bottles, fill with water and place in frig to chill. I'm trying to replace the plastic store bought bottles. Don't let Franceno know that we are using tap water.  If Franceno ask, just tell her that I (Norwood) ordered new water bottles.  Tell her, "This water has fluoride and Norwood thinks it will help your teeth."


July 29, 2024 - TOOTH PAIN

Give Franceno Tylenol and Ibuprofen, together in short cup AS NEEDED, but 6hrs apart (see recording chart on kitchen table).  She has another dental appointment on August 19th; however, please don't discuss the appointment with Franceno, she gets too anxious.


July 29, 2024 - ORKIN HAT

Yesterday, I put on my pest control Orkin hat and sprayed.



Until further notice, if Franceno is complaining about  pain and wants the pain medicine, only put 30ML of Ibuprofen in the small cup; no Tylenol.  Give Franceno the cup of medicine to drink. (Of course the 6hr rule between each consumption still applies.) We also have Orajel.  Please read the instructions and use if needed.


July 15, 2024 - TYLENOL ONLY

Until further notice, if Franceno is complaining about  pain and wants the pain medicine, only put 30ML of Tylenol in the small cup; no Ibuprofen.  Give Franceno the cup of medicine to drink. (Of course the 6hr rule between each consumption still applies.)


July 12, 2024 - THE MEDICINE CUP

Franceno is getting confused on how much medicine is to be taken and which container she should be using.  As you know, Alzheimer's patients need consistency.  So, let's ALL give Franceno her medicine the same way every time.  There's now a small cup (not the mini cups that have the numbers written on it) in the First Aid cabinet.  For her pain medication, put 30ML of Ibuprofen and put 30ML of Tylenol in the small cup together.  Now give Franceno the cup of medicine to drink. (Only use the mini cups for measuring the medicine.)


July 11, 2024 - IBUPROFEN

Franceno is in a lot of pain due to dental work.  I spoke with the pharmacist and he advised me to raise the Ibuprofen from 20ML to 30ML. So, Ibuprofen (30ML) and Tylenol (30ML).


July 10, 2024 - CARE PLAN

Hello "A-Team".  What an awesome job everyone is doing.  Please note on the Care Plan exactly what chores needs to be completed on your shift.  Unless absolutely needed, please don't do chores that's not listed for that shift.  We don't want to repeat chores nor do we want to run the washer and dryer more than needed; water and electric are off the charts in Henrico.  Thanks again for your help and PLEASE stay cool.


July 8, 2024 - DENTAL HEALTH

Franceno had a very successful visit to the dentist today.  Please give her pain medicine every 6hours until Friday. (No need to give her medicine after 12midnight unless she awakes and asks for medication, however, the medicine must be given at least 6hrs apart.) After Friday, only give her pain medicine on an as needed basis, however, the medicine must be given at least 6hrs apart. Be sure to record the time, date and your name on the clipboard located on the kitchen table.

Franceno needs to be on an applesauce only diet until Tuesday, July 9th, 3pm.  After that, she can only soft foods which is her regular diet.

If there are any questions or concerns, contact me at 954/650-7025.


June 21, 2024 - THE MOP

When filling the wet "mop" container, use a shot glass of Fabulosa and the rest water.


June 21, 2024 - TARDY

If you are running 10-14min late, please call Franceno’s home number and let the person on duty know your ETA.  If you are running 15min or later, call Franceno’s home number  and let the person on duty know your ETA first, then call Norwood.

June 14, 2024 - SLIDING DOORS

For safety reasons, please keep the sliding doors to the sun room locked at all times.

May 19, 2024 - LIGHTS!

Please keep at least one light on at all times in the family room from 7am-9pm, even if Franceno is napping.  The only exception to this rule is if she wants the light turned off as she uses the bedside commode.  If there's an issue, tell her it isn't your rule, it's a rule from the health department; it has to stay on for safety reasons.


May 2, 2024 - A/C

The A/C has been officially turned on.  Please don't turn on the heat.  If Franceno turns on the heat, let her do it, but when she's not looking, turn it off.  If Franceno needs heat, turn on the space heater.  (PLEASE DON'T LET FRANCENO KNOW THAT THE AIR IS ON.)


March 18, 2024 - SHAKES, SHAKES & SHAKES

If Franceno doesn't want to eat due to her mouth hurting, try to encourage her to drink a nutritional shake, but call it chocolate milk.  You can find these shakes either in the fridge downstairs or in the main kitchen.  The shake brand will either be Ensure, Boost or Equate.


March 16, 2024 - ELDERBERRY

You can give Franceno one Elderberry (vitamin) per shift if she requests it.  She thinks it is candy to suck on.  Please don't tell her they are vitamins or medicine.  Just tell her, "It's good for you, I eat them too."


March 16, 2024 - BLUE TOWELS

Blue towels have been purchased for Franceno to wear around her neck (a bib) as she eats. Also, there are clothes pins to hold the towel around her neck.  The home for these towels are either on top of the microwave oven or on top of the new dryer.


March 16, 2024 - SNACKS AND NAPS

Let's encourage Franceno to eat snacks between meals.  Hopefully, by Franceno eating snacks, she will not be starving for her next meal, thus able to eat her main meals on time, however, no over snacking.  Only one snack at a time; ie  jello, fruit cup, orange, banana, pudding or crackers & peanut butter. Naps: Please no longer than 1.5hrs on each shift.  If she eats on time and naps properly, we should be able to get her to sleep through the night. (NO EATING IN THE BED!)


March 16, 2024 - DRYER

Thanks to Angela, a new dryer will be arriving soon!


January 22, 2024 - UPDATE - NIGHT SENSOR

I made a few changes to the Night Sensor.  First change is the sensor under the bed stays on at all times.  No need to touch it under the bed; it stays on and I'll have to change the batteries once a month.  Be sure to put the sensor back in its exact spot under the bed when vacuuming. So, when Franceno is in bed for the night (and not before), click the switch ON under the Blue Light Thingy (behind the TV).  This will activate the sound when something crosses the sensor under the bed.  Now, when you are about to go and help Franceno, be sure to turn the Blue Light Thingy (behind the TV) OFF, so when you are walking to Franceno, it will not make sounds.  Once Franceno is back in bed, don't forget to turn the switch back ON. BE SURE TO TURN IT OFF IN THE MORNING.


January 19, 2024 - NIGHT SENSOR

"C" Shift, I've got great news! Worried about dosing off and not being able to hear Franceno? Well, I got you covered.  Under Franceno's bed, you will notice a sensor.  When Franceno proceeds to put her feet on the floor, you will hear a doorbell type of sound near the TV. This should wake you up to tend to Franceno's needs. (Be sure to note EXACTLY where the sensor and red stand are under the bed and the EXACT angle of the sensor; just in case it's moved and you need to reset.  When Franceno has retired for the night, be sure to turn ON the sensor.  The ON/OFF button is on the side of the sensor.  In the morning, be sure to turn the sensor OFF.)


November 26, 2023 - ENTER & EXIT

When arriving and leaving your shift, one MUST enter and exit through the front door.  Your code is used as a check-in, check-out system.  (When exiting, there's no need to put in your code, just touch the padlock, make sure you see the blue check mark and hear the door lock. Then, check the door to make sure it's locked.)


November 26, 2023 - GLOVES

Remember to always wear gloves when doing any cleaning.


November 26, 2023 - MASKS

Don't allow Franceno to wear masks. Masks shouldn't be worn in bed and Franceno will insist that it needs to stay on her face, so just don't ever give her one.  If she ask for a mask, just tell her that we ran out.  (Masks are required to be worn by everyone else.)



Please answer all phone calls for Franceno and ask who's calling.  If it is a family member, give the phone to Franceno.  If it's a telemarketer or business call, just hang up.  Never give anyone my (Norwood) name or number.

October 8, 2023 - TWO HOUR NAPS

Please don't allow Franceno to take more than a two hour nap.  If she's not napping, she should be sitting in the wheelchair playing games, exercising, singing or eating breakfast, lunch or dinner.  (This is not applicable after 10pm.)


September 26, 2023 - TARDY?

Due to Franceno's health, it's very important to be on time for your shift.  Franceno can not be left alone.  If your going to be late, please text me.  If you need to reach me after 10PM, a phone call, not text, is needed.

September 26, 2023 - NO EATING OR DRINKING IN BED

We need Franceno to be as active as possible.  We need her out of the bed and moving; therefore, when she wants to eat, it's preferred that she's in the wheelchair and eats in the kitchenette.  Also, if she's not sitting properly in bed, the food and drink can strangle her, even after the food is swallowed.


August 22, 2023 - A/C UPDATE

Friday! Yes, Friday the A/C will be worked on and if all goes well, it will be cool again.  Again, thanks for your patience.


August 19, 2023 - CARE PLAN

Remember to read the Care Plan daily.  Things may change each day. Due to cookies on your phone or tablet, be sure to refresh Franceno's webpage every time you visit it.


August 19, 2023 - CREAM (TRIAMCINOLONE)

Shifts "A" & "B", please apply the medicated ointment to the rash on the back of Franceno's neck and upper back.


August 15, 2023 - A/C

The A/C repairman came yesterday and saw that the A/C needs some serious repairs.  Until we get it fixed, I bought some additional fans to help cool the area.  I am sorry for the uncomfort this may have, but this has become my top priority.


August 15, 2023 - VITAMINS B & D

Shift "B", please make sure Franceno takes her vitamins with dinner.


August 10, 2023 - END OF SHIFT REPORT

End of Shift Reports are to be done daily and no earlier than 30 minutes before the shift ends.  If you work a "Double", a Shift Report is required for each shift.


August 10, 2023 - REMINDER

After each shift, be sure that all dishes have been washed and the bag in the commode chair has been changed.


August 10, 2023 - NAPPING

During the day, please don't allow Franceno to sleep longer than 2 hours and always try to stick to the meal schedule.


August 10, 2023 - OPENED FOOD

Shift "A", on Thursdays, throw away any opened applesauce and vegetables.  After you toss the vegetables, please clean the vegetable container and steam a fresh bag of vegetables and place in clean container. (Please don't let Franceno see you throw away anything.)


August 1, 2023 - MASK

Per doctor's orders, mask are required by everyone.  Please bring your favorite mask.


August 1, 2023 - WIPES

Presently we are out of wipes.  Please have Franceno to use a warm soapy wash cloth.


May 22, 2023 - MEALS

Remember to log in the actual time that Franceno eats.  By keeping an accurate log, each shift will know exactly when she eats and is able to encourage her to eat at the assigned eating times, if needed.  If she's already eaten, then you may discourage her from eating and maybe suggest a light snack. The meal log-in clipboard can be found in the closet hanging on the wall.


May 22, 2023 - PARKING

To keep others from waiting to park, I'm asking everyone to park in the two car, carport. (Backyard)


April 29, 2023 - BODY SPRAY & COLOGNE

Please refrain from wearing any body spray or colognes.  Franceno is very sensitive to odd smells.  Also, do not spray the Lysol or Clorox in front of her.  Spray those bottles when she is in the opposite room.  If she's in the family room and the commode needs cleaning, take the commode in the kitchenette, clean it, then return.   


April 23, 2023 - UPDATED CARE PLAN

The Care Plan has been updated again.  Please review.  Also, the end of shift report smart bot has been reprogrammed and reflects and will ask questions according to the new care plan.


April 17, 2023 - SHIFTS & CARE PLAN

There are now  three shifts and times.  We now have Shift A, Shift B and Shift C.  Be sure to review the schedule and the new "Care Plan".  Thank you.


March 29, 2023 - BUS PAN

Please be sure to clean everything in the white bus pan before leaving your shift.


March 18, 2023 - CHECKS

All checks until April 1st will be mailed from Florida.  Please give the snail mail a little time to reach your door.


March 18, 2023 - FROZEN VEGGIES

Let's try something new.  When the mixed vegetable bowl is empty, clean the bowl, then steam one bag of mixed vegetables in the microwave oven and pour in the clean bowl.  You can find the steam bag vegetables in the freezer of the mini frig and there are extra bags in the large frig in the main kitchen.  In the event there are no more veggie steam bags, use the mix veggies in the larger bags located in the freezer in the main kitchen and boil them in the pan, the old fashion way.

Jan 31, 2023 - MOBILE PHONES

Keep phone usage to a minimum.

Jan 31, 2023 - 7AM LIGHT

If my aunt isn't already in the kitchenette eating breakfast by 7AM, please go in the kitchenette and turn on the light behind the microwave oven.  Hopefully, this will encourage her to start breakfast and start her day.  We are trying to keep her on a schedule and we want her to be eating before the night person leaves.


Jan 31, 2023 - LAMP

Unless it's the 12 midnight shift or my aunt is sleep, always keep the lamp by the TV on. There needs to be light in the room at all times.  This is a safety issue.  If my aunt complains, tell her that you were instructed to do so by Norwood.


Jan 31, 2023 - SCREEN DOOR

The sliding door leading to the Sun Room; please leave the screened door open. (When you slide the main glass door open, there should be no screen door in front of you; it should always be slid to the right.)  My aunt doesn't believe the door is completely closed until the screen door is on the right.


Dec 24, 2022 - IT'S COLD!

Merry Christmas! And yes, it's very cold.  I'm letting all the faucets drip so the pipes don't freeze and I'm leaving the cabinet sink doors open.  Until further notice, please make sure the faucets are dripping and cabinet sink doors are open.

Dec 24, 2022 - REMINDER

If the trash needs dumping, please take it out before the next shift.  Please write all shift reports within 30 minutes of leaving.


Dec 2, 2022 - PULL-UPS

When Franceno needs to use the bedside commode, please encourage her to pull down her "pull-ups" once at the commode and NOT before.  If she insist on doing it her way, walk beside her to the commode to prevent her from falling.  She may need help leaving the commode.


Dec 2, 2022 - THE CURTAIN

Sitting in the chair in the family room or on the white sofa in the kitchenette when Franceno is sleep is fine; however, if on the white sofa, the curtain needs to be cracked at all times so you can always SEE Franceno. If she has to use the bedside commode in the middle of the night, follow the process as written above, "Dec 2, 2022 - Pull-Ups".


November 29, 2022 - VIVA LAS VEGAS

The Dec 5th check will be mailed from Las Vegas.  Please allow extra time for your checks to arrive.

November 21, 2022 - *NEW SCHEDULE PAGE

Need to confirm or check your schedule?  We now have a SCHEDULE PAGE! Click the Red Button, "Schedule".


November 20, 2022 - LIGHTS

Remember to turn on the lamp(s) if the TV isn't on.  There needs to be some light.


November 20, 2022 - HEAT

Without my aunt seeing you, please adjust the heat as needed.


November 19, 2022 - THANKSGIVING

I'll be in Dallas, TX this Thanksgiving, so please allow extra days for your checks to travel and arrive.  As usual, I'll be checking in through the camera and if you need to contact me, please do.  (Please don't let my aunt know that I'm not around; she gets too anxious.)  HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND WE APPRECIATE YOU!


November 19, 2022 - VEGGIES

When preparing Franceno's veggies, cook only half the bag.  She doesn't eat it fast enough and we end up throwing a lot of the veggies away.

October 1, 2022 - FABULOSO

The Fabuloso has been going quickly.  Remember, when filling the mop bottle to use only 1/3 of Fabuloso and 2/3 water.


October 1, 2022 - FIRST AID

Got a paper cut?  No worries.  You can find the FIRST AID KIT in the main kitchen, in the cabinet labeled "FIRST AID".


July 2, 2022 - AMAZON

Toilet paper was ordered via Amazon.  It should arrive tomorrow, July 3rd.  Please take the toilet paper out of the box and place them in the dining room with the other supplies.


July 2, 2022 - TOWEL & WASH CLOTH

Make sure a towel & wash cloth are always behind the bathroom door.  Also, remind Franceno to use the towel & wash cloth daily.


July 2, 2022 - FLORIDA

I'll be in FL and Las Vegas in the month of July.  Please allow additional time for your checks to arrive. (The mail seems to be a little slow these days.)


June 15, 2022 - TRAVELING

I'll be traveling a lot in the months of June & July.  If anything is running low before I can drop by, please check the dining room table for additional supplies.


May 27, 2022 - HYMNS

A new tab has been added to this page only, titled, "HYMNS".  Instead of a game, you can go there, click on your favorite hymn and it will appear on YouTube. Turn the volume up or off.  Have fun with it and enjoy singing with Franceno.


May 26, 2022 - BED LINEN

When changing the bed linen, please have another set ready and placed on the bed immediately.  Linen sets can be found on the top shelf in the closet along with the towels and wash clothes.

April 28, 2022 - PHONE CHARGER

There's a white extension cord by the lamp, near the TV, if you need to plug-in and charge your phone.  (Please remember not to touch any cords behind the microwave and mini frig in the kitchenette.)


April 28, 2022 - LIGHT!

Need more light? There are now two new desk lamps in the family room.  These desk lamps can be used if the ceiling is too bright for Franceno.



A dry erase whiteboard is now available for aides to write their name and shift time.  Franceno will now be able to see the name and shift time.


April 3, 2022 - TRASH

When putting trash in the outside container, be sure that all trash is in a bag. And make sure all bags are tied tightly so there's no leaking.

March 25, 2022 - SPRING DAYS

The days are starting to look and feel great! Walking Franceno from the front door to the driveway is a great outdoor activity if you see fit and Franceno is in the mood. (Please do not take Franceno anywhere including the store unless pre-approved by me, Norwood.)


DO NOT touch the cords behind the mini frig and microwave oven in the kitchenette.  The cords are very sensitive.  If you need to charge your phone, please use the white extension cord by the lamp, near the TV.


March 21, 2022 - ...AND THE WINNER IS...

Congrats to LaTonda for winning the $25 Amazon Gift Card.  LaTonda played several games and received several tickets.  Her chances for winning were very good.  Thank you to all that participated and please continue to play games and other activities that will massage Franceno's brain.  If anyone has any game or activity suggestions, please let me know and I'll post them here.


March 21, 2022 - WASHING CLOTHES

I've noticed that the best time to wash anything in the washing machine is when Franceno is either in the bathroom or is sleep.  (If Franceno is around, she will try her best to tell how to wash clothes.) Read below for laundry detergent information.


March 7, 2022 - TRASH COLLECTION

Great News!  Henrico has approved of Franceno receiving the special trash collection.  There's no need to take the trash to the curb.  The trash collectors will incur those services now.  


March 7, 2022 - THE CLOCK

When Franceno is confused of the time of day or what meal should be eaten, direct her attention to the special clock in the kitchenette.  My suggestion is that you don't tell her the time, but point to the clock and ask questions, such as... What time is it?  Is it morning or night? What's the date?, etc


Feb 20, 2022 - A SAFE PLACE

Please make sure Franceno is in a safe place before leaving.  She should not be in the kitchenette sleeping when leaving your shift. 


Feb 19, 2022 - DAILY REPORT

IMPORTANT! Be sure to complete the Daily Report before leaving your shift.

Feb 19, 2022 - WIN A $25 AMAZON GIFT CARD

GAMES: Complete a puzzle with Franceno or play Dominos or Trouble until there's a winner and you will receive a ticket.  On March 20th, 10PM, all tickets will be put in a hat and one $25 Gift Card Winner will be pulled.  The winner will be announced on this space, "Norwood's Corner". (Games & Puzzles are located on the card table. Every time a puzzle or game is played, be sure to mention what was played in your "Daily Report" and we will review the tape to witness the excitement and will assign a ticket with your name. The more tickets you have, the more chances you have to WIN the Gift Card!)  The purpose of the games is to exercise the mind.

NOTE: Don't ask her if she wants to play because you will receive an automatic "No".  Just sit down, set up the game, and tell her to sit because YOU are interested in playing the game.  OR, start putting the puzzle together and invite her to help you find a piece, because you can't seem to find the missing puzzle piece.  Get the idea? Please DO NOT tell Franceno about this fun competition. 

Feb 19, 2022 - DOOR LOCK

An Easy Way To Lock The Door: When exiting the house and after closing the door, the only thing you need to do is touch the padlock icon located bottom right of the key pad.  After touching the padlock, wait for the blue check mark and you are done.  No need to enter your code as you do when entering the home.


We are hiding the Laundry Detergent from Franceno so she will NOT wash clothes.  You can find the detergent pods in the red bucket located in the sun room.  (When entering the Sun Room through the sliding doors, the red bucket is to the immediate right.) 

Feb 19, 2022 - TV STATIONS

Please find upbeat/comedy, vocal and sport shows on TV.  These are Franceno's favorite TV stations: 4, 5, 12, 45, 54, 65 & 66


Please keep personal phone conversations to a minimum.  Attention should be given to Franceno Diggs' needs at ALL times, even when she's sleeping.  

Feb 19, 2022 - MASKS

Franceno has NOT been vaccinated. Your mask needs to be worn properly (covering the mouth & nose) at all times! 

Feb 19, 2022 - MAIL

Please DO NOT get Franceno's mail, even if asked.

Feb 19, 2022 - WINDOW SHADES

During the day when Franceno isn't looking, please open the window shades so light can shine through.

Feb 19, 2022 - NEVER DEBATE

Never debate/argue with Franceno. When there's a dispute, always agree with Franceno and discreetly continue to do what is correct.  You are the professional, we trust your judgement.

Feb 19, 2022 - MOP

The mop is similar to a Swiffer.  When adding the cleaning solution, use 1/3 Fabuloso & 2/3 Water.

Feb 19, 2022 - SPRAYING

When spraying Lysol or other chemicals, please do not spray around Franceno; it bothers her.

Feb 19, 2022 - EMERGENCY

Emergency numbers, non emergency numbers and Norwood's number are on the refrigerator upstairs.  Also, if Franceno needs to go to the ER via an ambulance, give the Emergency Card, also located on the refrigerator, to the EMTs, then call me.

Feb 19, 2022 - SUPPLIES

Over the washer/dryer in the laundry/kitchenette room, you can find cleaning supplies along with gloves, "chucks", "wipe-up" rags, trash bags and commode bags. (Only use the commode bags for the commode! Paper towels are only to be used for wiping hands. Use the "wipe-ups" for cleaning.)

Linen, towel/washcloth, toilet paper, paper towels, pull ups and clothes can be found in the closet as you exit the family room.

Feb 19, 2022 - A CLEAN CARPET

If Franceno has an "accident" on the carpet, remember to clean that carpet spot with the carpet cleaner.  The carpet cleaner is in a spray can located on the shelf over the washer/dryer.  There's also a scrub brush to help with the cleaning procedure.

Feb 19, 2022 - LIGHT CODE

Always use this code to turn the outside light on/off: 8042620097

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